Der Greil– wine hotel in Tyrol
The wine store at the Greil is a true treasure trove with a selection of over 240 different varieties that reads like the “Who’s Who” of the wine world. Our collection of high quality Riedel glasses is also something of a treasure, and wine at the Greil is served in no other sort of glass. The wine culture is palpable in the hotel and wines are chosen to perfectly accompany the evening meal. A pleasant extra benefit of gourmet holidays at the Tyrolean wine hotel is that you come away having learned a lot about wine and its cultivated pleasure. Education has never tasted so good!
Oenophile with passion
There is only one choice for Sepp Greil: Riedel glasses from the neighboring Kufstein. Comparison lends clarity: Wine out of just any glass and wine from a Riedel glass tailored to the grape is so strikingly different to the nose, tongue and palate, that you might well imagine you are tasting two different wines.
“It’s a pity you can’t stroke wines!”
Wine glass book
If you take a look at our wine book, it’s like taking a journey through the best locations in Austria’s winegrowing regions. Of course, wines from all over the world also make their way to us and appear on our menu though. What characterises the wine glass book is that for every wine listed, it also says from which sort of glass the wine should be enjoyed. Even passionate wine lovers who perhaps didn’t know so much about “glass culture” beforehand, are always amazed when they find out on holiday at our unique wine hotel just how much a wine can really come to life.
Wellness for the tongue – our sparkling wines
The perfect complement to the wine glass book: our list of sparkling wines. There are over 30 to choose from, carefully selected by our winelover Sepp. The “Grandes Marques” of course appear on the list and enrich any day. Our passion though is more turned towards the smaller wine producers, the so-called “Vignerons” or “Winzerchampagner”. Without the help of huge budgets and marketing agencies, they produce excellent champagne year on year and get the best from their tiny plots and the famous Terroir der Champagne, and do so at sensationally low prices.