Soothing heat on your skin

A lift takes you to our “Erholungsstubn” rest and relaxation room, where behind a wooden door a wellness landscape opens up, enticing body and soul.

Lie on a hay bed, or cool your feet in the Kneipp pool, and savour the moment. Let yourself be carried away, as happiness brings a smile to your face.

Rest and relaxation room opening times:
15.00 – 19.30 (In cases of bad weather, open from 13.00)

Full up on energy and strength


  • Dampfstubn (steam) 45 °C
  • Heustubn (hay) 60 °C
  • Schwitzstubn (sweat room) 85 °C

Steam rooms

  • Kräuterstubn (herbal) 40 °C
  • Wärmestubn (heat) 38 °C


  • Hay bed
  • Restroom with direct access to outdoors
  • Foot Kneipp pool
  • Grander water drinking fountain